Discover the power of the Akashic Records with an Interactive Akashic Records Healing Session with Kendra. The Akashic Records are an incredible tool for self-discovery and self-mastery. This energetic library contains all of your past, present, and future knowledge, and by accessing it, you can gain clarity and insight into your life. 

If you're feeling stuck and in need of guidance, an Interactive Akashic Records Healing Session with Kendra can help. During the session, you'll connect with your higher self and receive guidance to help you move forward in life. 

Kendra is a certified and trained practitioner, who has spent years mastering the art of accessing the Akashic Records safely and effectively. She is dedicated to providing a sacred space for her clients to explore their true potential and gain insight into their life purpose. 

 Through the Akashic Records, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life journey. You'll be able to find answers to questions about your past, present, and future, and gain a greater sense of clarity and purpose. Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your life with the power of the Akashic Records. Book an Interactive Akashic Records Healing Session with Kendra today and discover the amazing possibilities that await you.
Welcome to the Akashic Records Healing Sessions & Exploration. 
During your session with Kendra, you will receive healing energy to help you release old patterns and shift into a higher vibration. This can help you manifest your dreams and create a life of abundance and joy. 

Whether you are seeking guidance on parenting, life purpose, soul contracts, or building your business, the Akashic Records will support you in uncovering the root of any fear, belief, pattern or purpose. With unlimited possibilities for exploration and healing, your session may cover topics such as your relationships, mindset, self-discovery, personal development, or your business and life. There is no "one topic" rule when it comes to exploring within your records. 

Your guides, masters, teachers, and loved ones will meet you where you are and where you are open to receiving.

During your session, you may receive an infusion of light language, Ancient Egyptian Reiki, Reiki, crystalline energies, or other healing modalities or gifts that Kendra has access to in order to assist you in healings, activations, and intention settings. As guided by spirit, Kendra is the conduit for authentic connection and love.

To prepare for your session, you will receive an email with additional open-ended questions, but consider exploring topics such as mindset work, gaining clarity surrounding your purpose and legacy, your soul path, exploring timelines, manifestations, and future possibilities, business building and unique clarity, energy center/chakra balancing, identifying/healing loops, patterns, imbalances, visual healings, and mindset reset. 

Your session is truly unique and tailored to meet you where you are in the present moment while working with your Divine Masters, Teachers, and loved ones throughout the entire process to assist and guide you on this journey. As you explore how to create the life you desire or business you dream of with the guidance of spirit, you will find empowerment in all aspects of your day-to-day. The Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones do not fortune-tell or predict the future. They may give you the beginning steps to get you started simply by meeting you right where you are, ready to receive the information, in this moment. 

As you ask more questions, you’ll be given each next step of the process. If you take their advice in a timely manner, what you are wanting to manifest will usually happen depending on your free will and what you are choosing to happen.

In addition to your personalized session, you will receive a variety of bonuses, including an Akashic Records eBooklet with loads of information about the records and direct access to your session recording for you to download and have lifetime access to via a private recording link. 

You will also receive a session recap email and access to Soulpreneur Life Gifted Meditations, Healings, and our communities.

We invite you to schedule your session now and look forward to guiding you on this transformative journey. 

Please note that Kendra does not teach you how to access the records during your session. She is certified and trained in accessing the records safely, and in conducting healings within them for her clients. This certification took her about a year and a half to complete as a foundation, and she continues to stand in integrity by spending many hours practicing and training in addition to the certification to ensure she is able to hold sacred space and a lens of love as she is the conduit of authentic love and light through her work. 

The link to schedule your session with instructions will be on the Success Checkout Page.

Akashic Records SALE: $189 Special (Orig. $416)$189

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Online Product Terms of Service Agreement Reading Special
You are purchasing one session one on one with Kendra Bolden, that will last up to 60 minutes (“Program”). The following Agreement is the Terms of Service for this program. Please read it carefully. If you do not agree to the following terms, DO NOT purchase the program. By purchasing the program, you are accepting the following Agreement, and you agree to and are bound by the following terms.
1. Parties:
For purposes of this Agreement, you (the purchaser) are referred to as “Client.” Seller, Soulpreneur Life, LLC, is referred to as “Company.”
2. Term:
Client agrees to pay a total program fee listed on the website or sales page at the time of purchase unless payment plan is available.
Company has the right to cancel the program due to any late payments and or no payments made by the client.
3. Company’s Services:
a. Client has purchased a single 60 minute session that will be 1 on 1 with Kendra Bolden to ask the questions of clients choosing.
b. The intention for this service is Mindset Coaching.
c. Company does this using phone or video conferences, and/or a designated Facebook Group.
d. This service includes the following; 1 one on 1 session to last 60 minutes.
e. Company offers none of the coaching package bonuses for one on one clients.
Company offers the following bonuses:
- A bonus purchase price of $189 sale (regular price is $416 per session)
4. Client Agrees to Pay:
1 payments of $189.00
Method: Auto Draft
Payment starts the day of signing.
Unless other arrangements have been made.

This is a repayment plan.
Additional add on services can be included at the following fees and payments arrangements.
Company has the right to cancel the program due to any late payments and or no payments made by the client.
5. Termination:
This Agreement does not allow for termination prior to the program end date. If Client chooses to end participation prior to the program end date, Client will not receive a refund, and will be responsible for completing payment outlined in Paragraph 4.

6. Refunds:
Company does not offer refunds.

7. Confidentiality:
Any information discussed or any information either party comes to know during Company and Client’s one-on-one work together is confidential.
This does not include information Client makes available during group calls, information that either party was aware of prior to executing this Agreement, nor does it include information that was gained by a third party, or information that was available to the public through no breach of confidentiality by Client.
Confidential information may be shared if and only if waived by both parties in writing.

8. Release:
Company may take photographs, videos, audio recordings, or other recordings during Program that Company may use for future commercial or non-commercial purposes.
Client agrees and understands that by participating in Program, Client is consenting to being recorded and photographed and to the use of Client’s likeness and voice in any media in perpetuity by Company for whatever purpose as Company sees fit.

9. Intellectual Property:
Company reserves all ownership rights to any materials including but not limited to documents, images, audio, and video, provided to Client through Client’s participation in Program. Company provides Client with a single-user license authorizing Client to use the materials for their individual purposes only. Client agrees to not share, copy, distribute, disseminate, or sell the materials for either commercial or non-commercial purposes.

10. Non-Disparagement:
Client agrees, during and after participation in Program, to refrain from making any statements, whether oral or in writing, that negatively impact Company’s program, business, services, products, or reputation. In addition, the Company agrees to refrain from making any statements, whether oral or in writing, that negatively impact Client or Client’s business.

11. Assignment:
This Agreement shall bind both Company and Client and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors, and assigns. Client may not assign its rights under this Agreement without express written consent from the Company.

12. No Guaranty; Disclaimer:
NO GUARANTEES: Company makes no guarantees about Client and Company’s work together. Client agrees that any statements made by Company regarding potential outcomes are opinions and are not binding on Company. Company may provide testimonials from previous clients, which is not to be relied upon to predict results in your specific situation. The results you experience will be dependent on many factors including but not limited to your level of personal responsibility, commitment, and abilities, in addition to those factors that you and/or Company may not be able to anticipate.

NOT PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE: Company will only be providing the services that are explicitly listed above in Paragraph 3. At no time should any of Company’s services be considered a substitute for professional medical or mental health services, nor should the service be construed as professional therapy. Company’s services are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. If at any time Client needs medical, and/or psychological treatment, it is Client’s responsibility to seek it out.

NOT LEGAL OR FINANCIAL ADVICE: At no time should any of Company’s services be considered a substitute for professional legal or financial advice. If at any time Client needs legal or financial services, it is Client’s responsibility to seek it out.

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: Any information provided by Company regarding wealth, abundance, income, earnings, business profits or personal financial status is for informational purposes only. The information may provide real-life examples and/or hypothetical examples of possible outcomes, which are in no way guarantees of what will occur in your specific situation. As you know, financial outcomes depend on many factors including but not limited to your level of personal responsibility, commitment, and abilities, in addition to those factors that you and/or Company may not be able to anticipate.

You agree that Company is not responsible for your success, or lack thereof. Your reliance on any information provided is done at your own risk.

13. Warranties:
Both Company and Client warrant that they have full authority to enter into this Agreement.
Company warrants that its services will be provided by qualified people and in a competent manner in accordance with industry standards.

Client warrants that it has any necessary permission, licenses, rights, and releases to lawfully execute its duties set forth in this Agreement.

14. Whole Agreement:
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Client and Company. This Agreement supersedes and cancels all prior or contemporaneous discussions, writings, negotiations, and agreements.

15. Modification; Waiver:
The terms of this Agreement cannot be modified, supplemented, or amended unless agreed to in writing by all parties.
In order to make the waiver binding, the party making the waiver must execute it in writing. The waiver of a term in this Agreement shall not be considered a waiver of any other terms of this Agreement and shall not be considered a continuing waiver.
The modification or waiver of one term of this Agreement does not affect any other term in the Agreement, regardless of its similarity.

16. Severability:
If any term in this Agreement is found to be void or voidable, the remaining terms of the Agreement are unaffected, and deemed to remain in full force and effect, including those terms that are similar.

17, Limited Liability:

18. Notices:
All notices and communications required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given when delivered by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the party’s principal place of business, unless otherwise clearly stated in this Agreement that email notification shall suffice.

19. Dispute Resolution; Costs and Fees; Applicable Law/Venue:
Any dispute arising under this Agreement will be resolved by an online mediation service that is agreed upon by all parties or by a mediation in Texas with a mediator agreed upon by all parties. The parties agree to complete mediation in good faith prior to pursuing any other available legal or equitable remedies.

Parties agree that this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Texas Parties agree that the venue for any court proceedings arising out of this Agreement shall be in the United States of America, in the State of Texas.

If Client sues Company and Company is successful, Client is responsible for Company’s attorney’s fees, in addition to any other relief to which Company may be entitled.
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xAkashic Records SALE: $189 Special (Orig. $416)$189

All prices in USD

Meet Kendra Bolden

Meet Kendra Bolden, a multi-talented and certified Akashic Records Practitioner & Healer with a wealth of experience in various modalities such as Master Spiritual Life Coaching, Ancient Egyptian Reiki, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Herbalism, Aura Reading & Analysis, and more.

With a passion for knowledge and a commitment to helping her clients connect with their true essence and divine nature, Kendra has transitioned from an active duty Army career to becoming a successful Soulpreneur, building her business through deep connections with her clients and ongoing mentoring and coaching.

Kendra's mission is to guide her clients towards hope, joy, love, and fulfillment within their abundance, encouraging them to create a space for themselves and their dreams.

With two University degrees and a resume of certifications earned throughout her Army career, Kendra is dedicated to standing in integrity for her clients and being a lifelong student of life, constantly growing and sharing her knowledge with those who are willing to receive.
